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Fluoride and Water Filters: Understanding effective reduction

Fluoride in our water,

What is it? Is it safe? Can it be removed?

Fluoride In Our Water is a topic I speak to many costumers about when they are considering what water filter system to purchase for their home. There is so much information on the internet and via social media it is hard to get well referenced information to make an informed decision on.

To try and assist in answering these question and provide knowledge we have included two valuable articles here on Fluoride.

  1. Filters and Water Fluoride NMCL on 2018

  2. Fluoride in Water By Flix Water

Effective reduction of Fluoride with Berkey Water Filters
Fluoride and Water Filters

1. Fluoride and Water Filters: Understanding effective reduction

Posted by NMCL Employee on 21st Jun 2018

What is fluoride?

Fluorine (9F) is the 13th most abundant element in the earth's crust. Proposed as an element in 1810, fluorine exists as a highly toxic gas in its standard state, and is extremely reactive. It is not found in the atmosphere, as it reacts easily to water vapor. Instead, it is most significantly found in the minerals fluorite, fluorapatite and cryolite.1

Fluoride refers to any compound that contains the element fluorine. For example, when a mineral containing fluorine is mixed with water the hydrogen and fluorine atoms combine to yield hydrogen fluoride (HF), or hydrofluoric acid.2

  • This is a precursor to almost all other fluorine compounds, and is used in the production of many pharmaceuticals and polymers.3

  • When you hear the term “fluoride” as it relates to tap water, remember that it is a general term. The particular fluoride compound used for water fluoridation depends on the selection of local water authorities.

What is water fluoridation? Water fluoridation is the controlled addition of a fluorine compound to a public water supply.4 The three most common compounds added to drinking water are:

  • Sodium fluoride (NaF)- A colorless, odorless crystalline solid or white powder. It is typically manufactured by the reaction of hydrofluoric acid with sodium carbonate. Sodium fluoride dissolves easily in water, and is commonly used in fluoride toothpastes, rinses and supplements.5 Other uses include: pesticides, wood preservatives, solvents, corrosion inhibitors, and glass manufacturing.6 It is one of several compounds used for municipal water fluoridation. It is more expensive than other compounds, but reportedly easier to handle in its crystalline form.7

  • Fluorosilicic (Hydrofluorosilicic) acid (H2SiF6)- An inexpensive, colorless chemical byproduct of phosphate fertilizer manufacturing. When phosphoric rock is converted to soluble fertilizer, the process creates two toxic fluoride gases: hydrogen fluoride and silicon tetrafluoride. As hydrogen fluoride condenses, it is collected, “...into storage tanks and shipped to water departments throughout the country.” Because pharmaceutical and food grade Fluorosilicic acid is prohibitively expensive, most water treatment facilities utilize industrial grade Fluorosilicic acid, which commonly contains unwanted contaminants such as arsenic and lead. Fluorosilicic acid is the most commonly used additive for water fluoridation in the United States.8 Unlike Sodium fluoride, “Hydrofluorosilicic acid is easily the most dangerous chemical at your local water treatment plant. It can release hydrogen fluoride when it evaporates, is corrosive, and can damage the lungs if breathed in, making it especially dangerous for plant employees if stored incorrectly.”9

  • Sodium Fluorosilicate (Na2SiF6)- A fine, white, odorless, powder made by neutralizing fluorosilicic acid with sodium chloride or sodium sulfate. It is the sodium salt of fluorosilicic acid.10 It is easier to transport than fluorosilicic acid. In addition water fluoridation, sodium fluorosilicate is used in laundry and dishwashing products, and as a rodenticide.11

Does any compound of fluorine occur naturally in water?

Calcium fluoride- As mentioned above, there are naturally-occurring minerals that contain the element fluorine.12 When the composition of soils and bedrock causes these minerals to come into contact with water, fluoride occurs naturally in drinking water. Many cities in the world do not fluoridate their water supplies because naturally-occurring calcium fluoride affects local water sources.

What does the ADA and CDC say about water fluoridation in the US?

The ADA and CDC have historically promoted the fluoridation of drinking water. However, this has become increasingly more of a controversial issue as the results of many studies, conducted both in the US and in Europe, appear to challenge the veracity of such recommendations. We suggest that readers familiarize themselves with such studies, and make up their own minds regarding water fluoridation. To Continue reading the full article visit

2. Fluoride In Water

Published on Flix Water

In this article, we will demonstrate the important things you need to know about fluoride in water. Here you will find:

  • What is water fluoridation?

  • The benefits and risks

  • Safe fluoride levels in drinking water

  • How to get rid of fluoride in water and why?

  • Common questions & answers

Why Is There Fluoride In Water? Fluoride is common in our tap water as well as in many sources of drinking water. It’s a natural mineral that exists in the earth’s upper crust and occurs naturally in surface waters and groundwater around most parts of the world. In surface waters, it occurs naturally from the weathering of rocks and soils containing fluoride compounds while in groundwater, it occurs from leaching of bedrocks with fluoride content. However, the fluoride in our tap water is often from the additional fluoride added to the community water supply – a process called fluoridation. This is usually done in many areas of the world where there’s a low concentration of fluoride in the drinking water. What Is Water Fluoridation? Water fluoridation is the water adjustment process that rises or reduces the natural fluoride concentration in drinking water to an optimum level that’s effective for reducing tooth decay and promoting good dental health.

It’s done to aid in both dental and skeletal health or more specifically, to reduce and prevent the prevalence of tooth damage and decay across populations.

Is water fluoridation safe or have any risks?

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